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EIPBN 2024

I gave a talk at this year's Electron, Ion, and Photon Beams plus Nanofabrication Meeting, (EIPBN). The talk highlights the latest results from our FIB:ZERO and SIMS:ZERO systems..
These slides feature some of our latest work with SIMS:ZERO, and are similar to the FIBSEM 2024 slides.

I gave a talk at the 15th annual FIBSEM User Group meeting. The newest data includes demonstrations of high quality depth profiles that can be obtained with SIMS:ZERO. Boron doping in silicon, as well as a stacked structure of titanium and nickle are shown. Of particular interest is SIMS:ZERO ability to collect such a depth profile from within a tiny 200x200 nm2 area.

Thomas Löber of RPTU Kaiserslautern gave another excellent talk featuring applications of FIB:ZERO. This work was presented at the MNE conference in Berlin in September.
Please click here for the slides.
Please don't hesitate to contact me , or the author if you have any questions.

Brenton gave a talk at the 14th annual FIBSEM User Group meeting. The talk is similar to the one I gave at EIPBN but includes some additional detail on the ion source physics.
EIPBN 2023

I gave a talk at this year's Electron, Ion, and Photon Beams plus Nanofabrication Meeting, (EIPBN). The talk highlight the latest results from our FIB:ZERO and SIMS:ZERO systems..
These slides also show a demonstration of unique process control techniques made available by the SIMS elemental signal. These allow the FIB to drill and very precisely stop at a buried copper layer.
SIMS:ZERO talk at SIMS23

Brenton gave a talk covering a variety of SIMS:ZERO use-cases at the SIMS23 conference. The lecture includes data showing SIMS:ZERO analysis in materials and biological applications.
As a special bonus, we include data from an all-new application. If you peek beyond the final slide, you will find slides showing the utility of SIMS for process control. SIMS:ZERO will allow users to precisely stop their FIB-mill right as they hit a sub-surface layer without the usual need for the two materials to have a high secondary electron contrast!
Please click here for the slides.
Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions.

Thomas Löber of The Technical University of Kaiserslautern gave an excellent talk featuring nanomachining applications of FIB:ZERO. This work was presented at the Fit4Nano conference in Krakow in July.
Please click here for the slides.
Please don't hesitate to contact me , or the author if you have any questions.
M&M 2022

zeroK hosted a booth 2081 at the Microscopy and Microanalysis conference this August in Portland, OR.
If you missed out on our vendor tutorial, please click here for the slides!
And don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
EIPBN 2022

I'll be giving an invited talk at this year's Electron, Ion, and Photon Beams plus Nanofabrication Meeting (EIPBN). The talk will be similar to the FIBSEM talk, and will include the latest results from our FIB:ZERO and SIMS:ZERO systems.

I gave an invited talk at the 14th annual FIBSEM User Group meeting. The lecture included the latest results from our FIB:ZERO and SIMS:ZERO systems.
FIB:ZERO System installation
zeroK recently installed a system at the University of Kaiserslautern's new Nano-Structuring Center! We are hopeful that the high-performance nano-machining capabilities of this system will aid them in their research.
If you are in europe and would like to get a look at a FIB:ZERO by visiting TUK, please let us know!
Post-Doc Position Available at LIST
Our collaborators at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) have announced a Post-Doctoral job opening. You would have the chance to develop innovative SIMS instruments and work alongside zeroK! Please see the attached flyer and go to LIST's website to apply.
Talk at AVS 67

I am giving a talk at this year's American Vacuum Society meeting. The talk covered applications of both nanomachining capabilities of FIB:ZERO and elemental analysis of SIMS:ZERO. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have followup questions.
If you were registered, you can view the talk here.
Talk at M&M 2021

I am giving a talk at this year's Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting. The slides contain some very exciting new data: the first published from our new SIMS:ZERO prototype! This new instrument offers unprecedented SIMS resolution as well as all the nanomachining capabilities of FIB:ZERO. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have followup questions.
In case you can't make the meeting, please click here for the slides.
First data from SIMS:ZERO
zeroK NanoTech is pleased to present the first data series collected from our new SIMS:ZERO instrument! This data highlights the unique capabilities of this new platform. It combines the benefits of nanoscale machining using our Cs ion source together with elemental compositional information from the Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) data channel. This instrument was developed as part of an ongoing collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology.
If you have an application idea or some samples you would like to look at with the new system please contact us.
Please click here for the slides.

Talk at FIBSEM 2021
I gave a talk at this year's FIBSEM meeting, summarizing the capabilities of LoTIS and showing our current FIB and SIMS instruments. Thanks to everyone who attended! Please feel free to email with followup questions.
LoTIS-FIB Going to Technical University of Kaiserslautern
zeroK is pleased to announce that it will be delivering a LoTIS-powered focused ion beam system to the University of Kaiserslautern! We are grateful for the opportunity to help the University in its cutting edge materials and nanotechnology research.
For more details on the applications that benefit from LoTIS, please see our previous work with TUK.
EIPBN, M&M Conferences Cancelled
Due to the impacts of COVID-19 the 2020 EIPBN and M&M conferences have been cancelled. If you were planning to discuss applications of our technology at the meeting please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
LoTIS Demo with Technical University of Kaiserslautern
We hosted three scientists from the University of Kaiserslautern, with the aim of testing our Low-Temperature Ion Source in materials, surface modification, and imaging tasks routinely performed at the university. This work was performed on our LoTIS-Vectra prototype that we previously used to demonstrate circuit edit.
We got some great results demonstrating:
- superior imaging resolution,
- depth of focus, and
- material contrast
Booth at M&M 2019 Meeting

zeroK hosted a booth at this summer's Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, Or. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see our latest product offerings!
Please click here for slides from our vendor tutorial, summarizing our current offerings. Don't hesitate to reach out to me (, I'd love to discuss how zeroK can help support your research aims.
EIPBN Conference 2019
zeroK's technologies were the subject of 4 presentations at this year's EIPBN conference!
In Thursday's Advanced Ion Beam I session Jabez McClelland gave an overview of cold ion technologies. This included zeroK's LoTIS as well as the Lithium ion beam system built by Brenton and myself at NIST; this system is still running and producing results over 8 years after coming online.
Later in the session, I gave my talk, showing the latest results from our FIB:RETRO prototype and our plans for the next-generation SIMS:ZERO system. Feel free to download the slides, and please contact us if you'd like additional information.
The session concluded with a talk from Yuval Greenzweig of Intel, detailing some of the results from characterization work Intel did with our FIB prototype. The conclusion is that LoTIS is very well suited to circuit-edit operations owing to its very small focal spot sizes and low invasiveness/staining.
That evening zeroK was honored with an award for best startup of 2019!
Thank you EIPBN and especially this year's program chair Regina Luttge for a great conference.
Talk at FIBSEM 2019
I just wrapped up a talk at this year's FIB/SEM User Group meeting. All of the contributed talks had a lot of useful information, thanks to all the organizers!
My talk was brief but I had time to show for the first time the latest version of our Low Temperature Ion Source (v2), as well as some of the anticipated utility of our FIB:RETRO and SIMS:ZERO products.
I am planning to put the talk up online, so check back soon!
Talk at ISTFA 2018 Meeting

I will be giving a talk and participate in a panel discussion at the FIB user group session of the upcoming ISTFA meeting. ISTFA focuses on failure ananlysis techniques emplying FIB and related technologies. The talk will focus on the latest applications of FIB:RETRO and the possible applications of SIMS:ZERO to semi.
My brief talk will be back-to-back with one given by Rick Livengood of Intel who will summarize recent successful circuit edits performed with a FIB:RETRO platform.
Booth at AVS 65 Meeting

zeroK will host a booth at this fall's meeting of the American Vacuum Society in Long Beach, Ca. We also will have, in collaboration with researchers at Intel, a poster detailing recent successful circuit edits completed on 10nm node chip that were performed using zeroK's FIB:RETRO. This poster will be in the Thursday session, poster number HI-ThP02.
Booth at M&M 2018

zeroK will host a booth at this summer's M&M meeting. Since this is pretty nearby to zeroK's HQ we might facilitate some tours of our facility and/or a live demo. Please email us if this is of interest!
EIPBN Meeting Wrapup

This year's Electron, Ion and Photon Beams (3-Beams, or EIPBN) Meeting was fantastic; the organizers deserve a big thank-you. The Ion beam sessions where highly relevant and I came back with some great ideas.
I believe both of my talks helps contribute to a broader understanding of LoTIS and what it can help our customers accomplish. If anyone would like to discuss further, please contact me!
Talks at EIPBN Meeting

Hello everyone. zeroK will be contributing quite a good deal of content to this year's Electron, Ion and Photon Beams (3-Beams, or EIPBN) Meeting.
First, I'll be giving a short course in collaboration with Anne Delobbe (our colleague at Tescan) on laser-cooled ion source technology. This will be on May 29th. A.V. equipment permitting, this should be a fun overview of how laser-cooling-enabled low-temperatures allow for the creation of high-precision ion beams.
Later in the week (Thursday May 3rd 2:10 pm in room Caribbean 3) I will share the latest LoTIS technical results.
LoTIS Debut Celebrated
zeroK's LoTIS brightness measurements appeared in the premier issue of the new high-impact journal Nano Futures. Now this publication has been honored as one of 11 articles highlighted in the first anniversary issue!
zeroK at ISTFA 2017

zeroK participated in the FIB user group as part of The International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA). zeroK presented its latest results and discussed some of the benefits LoTIS may offer to members of this community. These include better machining acuity and reduced levels of primary-beam invasiveness.
zeroK at the AVS-64 Meeting

zeroK presented its latest results and spoke with experts in the FIB and SIMS communities at The 64th meeting of the American Vacuum Society in Tampa, Florida Oct 31st. Thank you everyone for coming out to say hello!
Our booth was part of zeroK's outreach to the lead customers and users who will be among the first to reap the benefits of LoTIS-FIB instrumentation. Since last year when we debuted the technology we have demonstrated 4x higher brightness as well as quantitative spot size performance data from 1 pA to 1 nA with a 10kV beam.
LoTIS in the News
A new article was just published on highlighting the utility of zeroK's LoTIS. It provides a quick overview of our technology, its applications, and our recent publication.
LoTIS Ready for Deployment
We are proud to announce that zeroK's LoTIS is now available to be deployed to lead users. If you are interested in being one of the first outside users of this new technology and would like to discuss acquiring a LoTIS-equipped FIB system or a retrofit of your existing gallium FIB system please contact us.
Latest publication released, LoTIS 2x brighter
The performance of the alpha continues to be refined. Recent upgrades have enabled a doubling of the ion source brightness compared with the results we reported in November. This means we can provide more current into smaller spots for our end users.
Our most recent results detailing this work are now available in the premier issue of a brand new high-impact, rapid-release IOP journal Nano Futures. The article is open access so you don't need a subscription.
A Look Ahead
zeroK is looking forward to a very exciting 2017. With an initial demonstration of our technology complete we aim to begin rolling out deployments to lead users. If you would like to discuss how this technology could benefit your application please contact us.
zeroK In the News
Excitement is building in anticipation of new focused ion beams powered by LoTIS. Here's what industry watchers are saying: